Monday, April 1, 2019

Chapter 1 - The kidnapping


Your son is in our possession. If
Want the boy back, follow the
instructions: put 500,000 pounds in a
Black suitcase and leave her behind the nearest newsagent
Journal of the train station at 3:50 and get the
the 4:00. If you get a good watch
the case, the boy DIES.


On a summer's day of 1934, I came home from France, where I was spending the holidays. My grandparents own reasons were living there. Well, but that's beside the point. I embarked on some trains back to London, I remember very well that to board the last train, I spent the trip totally distracted, looking for some baseball cards, which I won from my grandfather.


Willian, created in charge of pick me up at the station. When you get home, found my father, Nortor p. C, desperate with a ticket in hand. (Willian didn't understand what was going on) My father asked me where I was, our created explained that I didn't show up at the train station and about 2 hours later, he returned home with the thought that I'd be another day.
My dad freaked out even more and decided to show the note to our servant. Finished reading it, William suggested calling a particular investigation, my father was scared, because if the kidnappers discovered they could kill me. My mother convinced my father that Giselle that would be the best, and ordered Waddington to call an ex called Dorisglayson Js.


Detective Js was in your House talking with a French boy of about 17 to 19 years of age, your name was David Huhlvan.
They were talking about investigations and homicide of the past, and was in the middle of one of those stories that the phone rang and they both stayed.
Mr. Js and m. Huhlvan were immediately to my house, to arrive, questioned that by your time Waddington said that "I would disembark at the station in London at 5:00 pm and he stayed at the station until the 7:00 pm, and as there was no met has returned home. ''
The researchers were impressed about the story of William with the ticket, the detective Dorisglayson suggested that I had been abducted before reaching London. Mr. David felt weird the fact letter, coming so fast in my residence. In the family home P.C.
So to get the story straight, they went to the station to London looking for clues.


Upon arriving at the station, they asked employees if they had seen a blond, blue-eyed boy, aged 12 to 13 years, but unfortunately all responded No.
When researchers come back to the mansion, David Huhlvan looked at the ground and picked up a piece of paper with something scribbled, and put in your pocket.


To get to my house, they questioned my parents individually. My mother's desperate in the Office, because she was always attached to me, Detective Dorisglayson tried to let her rest. While David, asked what she thought of the ticket and the kidnapping, that is, if it really was a kidnapping, she replied that she had not understood the question. Mr. Huhlvan was asked, if there was no possibility of I, F.b. Jr., ran away, my mother replied in immediately, that under any circumstances, I would have run away and that this kidnapping came only to end up with the happiness of our family. And said that surely I should be desperate and more now that I was so happy to have won the baseball cards of my grandfather. My mother fell in tears and m. Js tried to calm her down again, she got up and started walking toward the door, David opened and asked William prepare a tea for Ms. Giselle.
Then my dad came into Office, m. Huhlvan offered him a Chair, which he accepted. Mr. Js asked my father if I had run away from home or something. He answered no, David asked if he (my father) would have a different address or a small house in London. My father responded that Yes, he had a small cabin outside of town about thirty kilometers eastward, then passed the address, and once again repeated that I had not run away I wasn't that, Mr. Huhlvan tried to calm him down that was just a hypothetical, my father got up and left his Office knocking on the door.
David Huhlvan spoke to m. Dorisglayson that would leave, but left him in charge of placing all inside the Office and remained there.


The clock struck 2:00 in the morning when a car stopped in front of my parents, Mr. Huhlvan got off the car with somebody and went directly to the Office where they were all assembled upon entering David was unattended. And began to speak in good form that the mystery had been solved. Then, he began to report the facts.
Mr. Huhlvan stated that I had landed in London and that I really had been kidnapped at the station.
But who would have done this?
And what was the evidence that I landed?
Well, for those who still do not know, here are the tips: the piece of paper that Mr. Huhlvan has collected at the station was nothing more than one of my baseball cards, with a dedication to my grandfather to me.
And there is the confirmation that I actually disembarked. Okay, but how does the detective know that I didn't, but I really was kidnapped? For the ticket? No! Because I could have it fabricated. Then how? Here's the answer, Mr. Huhlvan has a friend who always says "talking with someone, that someone just talking too much." And incredible as it seems that's what happened.
Then the detective spoke with the voice firmer than ever, that who was kidnapped was nobody else, no less, that my own mother Giselle!
But how? You must be wondering. Then I put the cards on the table, who knew I had won the baseball cards, but me, my grandparents and who kidnapped me? Giselle said that I should be very happy, especially now that I had won my grandfather cards, Mrs. Potter c. started laughing and said that David was congratulations and stated that I was nothing but a worthless bastard and that would kill me with someone watching the bag or not.  Dorisglayson declared arrest her. My father has despaired and wondered where I was. She replied that he would never find me. David said this was not true, turned to the door and when he opened it, there I was, P.C. Junior, safe and sound.
But how? 
Giselle was doped with light, and led me to the old cabin of my father and return home, personally delivered the note to him claiming that he was in the mailbox, as well, but all ended up solving, Giselle was arrested and committed suicide two months later. 
Oh yes, and William, as he didn't see me get off the train. That he would only talk if someone pointed a gun to your head. But that to me is a very simple, William was at the train station, but on the other hand, having an appointment with Vera Sttel, a newspaper seller who was psychic in his spare time.

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